
Life-University is an online spiritual development platform for children, teens, and youth, using which a child living anywhere on earth, or anywhere beyond where Elon Musk has provided internet connectivity :-), can work on improving any aspect of his interior life, be it just development of Will power and Perseverance used for constructive purpose, or handling anger, or learning meditation, or learning Happiness skills, or any other positive side of what makes us different from chatGPT or AI.

Many of the foundational ideas for Life-University come from online Academic platforms, especially Scaler Academy and Khan Academy.

Is Life-university a mobile app?

Yes, Life-University will be a mobile app (Android/iPhone) but it will be a large platform, like Facebook, with many modules for wholistic improvement of children. Just like Facebook, it will also work on a laptop's browser like Google Chrome. But, instead of developing the whole platform from scratch, it will use ready made software when available. For example: Zoom, Slack, Discord, Telegram, or similar software may be used. Probably, only the Character module will require development from scratch. 

INSide ONLINE Life-University

As per the current plan, these will be some important modules in Life-University:

Spiritual Practise Module

In this module, Meditation and other practises like affirmations, devotion, etc, will be taught through videos or online classes, depending on a child's mental makeup. There will be daily timings  alloted to meditation and other practises on which the child may be able to attend them online.

Character Module

Using this module, the child will be able to select that areas of life which he wants to improve. He will be able to choose whether he wants to focus on reducing stress, handling irritations, improving social skills, overcoming sensitivity and fears, becoming more cheerful, or performing better in academics. Once selected, he will be presented with various methods through which he would be able to improve in those areas. He would also be able to measure his progress in the chosen areas.

Content Module

Entertaining, short, and relevant videos on spiritual instruction will be recorded and made available on social media and on this Life-University.

Online Community Module

The users of Life-University would naturally want to interact with other users of the platform and the mentors as well. They would want to have discussions on relationships, handling stress, sex, academics, etc. There is a plan to have an online community, in which children, youth, and mentors will be part of these online discussions.
Currently, 'Discord' is being planned as the tool for online discussions.

Mentorship Module

Spiritual mentors will be there to be loving spiritual parents and role models for many children across the globe. They will be long time spiritual practitioners who will guide the children spiritually and help them to overcome their problems (stress, relationship problems, lack of self-esteem, etc). Their interaction with the children/youth will be through video conferencing (Zoom like software) or frequently through text based chat (WhatsApp or FB Messenger like software).

Content Recommendation Module (Manual)

Books and Videos
There is already a very high-quality content in form of videos and books that is available on the internet for free or on order. SoM will refer to that content extensively. For example: There are a lot of really good quality spiritual books available on the internet for children.

Some interesting Spiritual Music, Relaxing music, and Devotional music will be listed for children to listen to. 

Some interesting Spiritual movies, Sci-fi movies, and other types of wholesome movies will be listed for children to watch.

Activities & Classes Module

SoM will try to involve all kids in wholesome activities, offline or online. Such activities will help children in developing all types of character traits and will reduce screen time.

Sports: SoM will try to help kids find Sports clubs and form a sports team with others living nearby. SoM will suggest innovative ideas to children for playing simple sports with just 1-2 more children.

Arts, Music, and other classes: Online arts and music classes will be conducted.

1. Robotics, Computer Programming, and other STEM classes.
2. Regular Subjects like Science, Maths, Social Science, Languages, etc.
The above 2 types of online academic classes would be primarily for  bringing more kids into SoM and to generate funds. These classes will be paid, especially for Urban areas. All other classes and modules on Life-University will probably be free.

De-addiction Module

Drug addiction, Alcoholism, Smoking, and all other kinds of addictions will be dealt remotely by the mentors with understanding and love. Different de-addiction programs like the 12 step AAA program or other spiritual programs will be followed and online meetups will also happen.
Videos on De-addiction

Parenting Module

Parents have a strong influence on children. If we need to help children improve their lives, parents also need to be invovled and convinced that the children are learning something that is good for them. To help children, parents may also need some help in handling their children in a better way.

Images sources: 1, 2, 3